Our best works are like filthy rags – or are they?

Rethinking the way we apply Isaiah 64:6 One of the core, if not the core truth in the Reformed doctrine of salvation, is the conviction that we cannot merit favour or acceptance with God on the basis of our works. John Owen, for instance, once said that our justification is…

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Why do we believe in Jesus?

“Why do you believe in Jesus?” Have you ever been asked that question? Maybe there have been times when you’ve asked yourself that question. As you encounter Muslims, Hindus or outright atheists who show little or no interest in this Jesus to whom you’ve entrusted your soul – do you…

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On One-Anothering #2 – Bearing One Another’s Burdens

During our time as missionaries in Lesotho, Natasja and I were involved in outreaches to the remote mountain village of Hajobo. These outreaches were part of a long-term strategy to establish a church there. The village was only about twenty kilometres from our base, but it could only be reached…

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